Three days left before I head to the Big Easy (I think that's the right nickname, but don't hold me to it), and all I can think about is "will the yarn I ordered online get here on time?" Because if it doesn't, I'm going to have to pack different projects. In fact, I really should pack different projects regardless, because the yarn I ordered is for my Sophie's Universe blanket (because I ran out (oops) of a necessary colour), and as I'm almost at Round 100 this is a massive thing that would eat up most of the pounds of my baggage allowance.

Maybe I'll pack the much smaller 2nd Sophie's Universe blanket--yes, in the mean time I started a different one in muted earth tones, and it's still a baby, at round 17--although I'll have to pack several balls of yarn (I like mixing up the colours a lot at the start) rather than the 1 or 2 you can get away with on a more adult blanket (for the butterfly section near the end, you have about 10 rounds all the same colour, or the distinctive pattern doesn't show as well).
I'll have to pack something small and portable and easy for whipping out at the Conference during talks (I'm attending the Tableau Conference, for users of their Business Intelligence Tool (it makes dashboards for interactive information display on the web)). For me, that's usually scarves and/or dishcloths. Generally I need a couple, for when the first one gets finished.
And because Sophie's Universe is a crochet project, I'll definitely need a knitting project (I find my hands are happy when I can switch between methods once or twice a night). I'm knee-deep in the arms of my Fair Isle sweater, but that involves several colours as well. It might be time to start a Brand New Project that uses only a single colour, and I have the perfect excuse for it (there are several in my queue on Ravelry--the web site puts them in an order, but to be honest they're in no particular priority from my point of view).
That feels like a good amount to bring: the small blanket, 5 or 6 balls of yarn for it, 2 or 3 balls of dishcloth-suitable yarn (cotton or linen), 2 or 3 balls for some new knitting project. Why, with luck, I can travel with fewer than 10 balls (which may be a record for me).
Once in New Orleans, of course, I'm cleverly situated in a hotel only a hop skip and a jump from a local yarn shop. The Wyndham Garden Inn (French Quarter) is apparently an 8 minute walk (or a 9 minute drive!) from the best local yarn shop (according to Yelp), The Quarter Stitch. It's on a charming street (there's no shortage of those in this neighbourhood) and I'm already looking forward to several walks there and back as I remember I forgot to pack notions, or change my mind about what projects I really want to indulge in while there.
So that's my three projects, 10-ish balls of yarns, a bag of notions (stitch markers, little scissors, etc.), oh, and my headlamp (some hotels rooms are just not set up for knitting, lighting-wise, but with a headlamp--honestly, I've got one, from Bed Bath and Beyond--you can aim the light straight at your project and see well even in otherwise total darkness). I think I'm packed and ready to go!
Oops, forgot about the flight. In fact, there's two of 'em, as I switch planes en route. With an entire day of travel, I will definitely have time for one extra project, something not too special in case (I hear rumours, though it's never yet happened) my needles are confiscated. So four projects, 12-ish balls of yarn, a notions bag, and a headlamp. Oops, no, forgot about the flight back. five projects, 15-ish balls of yarn, a notions bag, and a headlamp. Done!
On the Needles
Sophie's Universe crochet project #2 (Part 3: Round 17)
Sophie's Universe crochet project #1 (Part 14: Round 96, continuing the butterflies section)
Sea Grass Scarf by Janina Kallio (for my niece, in shades of grey to go with everything. I'm in part two, stripes).
GGN Norwegian Ski Sweater (finished the torso, currently well above the cuffs of Arms One and Two (I'm knitting both at once--but on separate needles, I'm not that clever yet))
a linen dishcloth, Eloominator's Diagonal Knit dishcloth by Jana Trent.
Persian Dreams Blanket (finished the fourth hexagon, yet to cast-on the fifth)
The second Double-Knit Vice Versa Scarf (still about 3/4 of the way through)