The Stashley Awards: Great Achievements in Knitting, 2019 Edition
Spoiler alert: pretty much all the great achievements are going to be mine. If you feel you ought to have won one of them, let me know,...
The Seamy Side of Knitting
Ah, seams. How we loathe them! (I know, I know, amongst you there's bound to be someone who loves to seam. I have a friend who loves to...
Debbie Does Laundry
You might think I haven't written much lately, and you'd be wrong! I wrote an entire script for a musical, hence I had less time to...
Billion Dollar Blankie: Endgame
It's over! For those of you who have been following me for a while, you'll remember the billion dollar blankie. If you don't know what...
Sock It To Me!
I'm the last person who should be blogging about socks. Mind you, I've bought plenty of them, and I wear them every day (I won't wear...
What Not to Wear
Ah, garment knitting. So stressful. Whether it's socks, sweaters, vests, even hats, and presumably dresses and skirts (not really Uncle...
Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life
Hey, long time no see. I've been busy knitting! (And putting on our Spring musical, and recovering from putting on our Spring musical,...
History of a Hat
Today's post is going to be almost entirely of interest to knitters, so take that non-knitters who foolishly persist in reading my blog...
They Say the Neon Yarn is Bright on Broadway!
It's that time of year again, where I go to New York, see all the shows (well, all the new ones since November), and score them from 1 to...
They Say That Breaking Up Is Hard to Do
It starts out the same way: there's a glimpse in the distance. Beautiful. You approach. There's a feeling in the pit of your stomach,...